faulty bicycle hurt my son

Know How Much Money To Expect From Your Personal Injury Claim

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If you’ve recently been in a wreck, you may be so focused on getting better from your injuries that you have put off the issue of collecting any compensation from the at-fault driver. Taking care of yourself is vital and it’s only natural to place a high priority on your health and well-being. That being said, the sooner you take action against the at-fault driver and their insurance company, the sooner you will begin to lessen the financial impact the wreck has had on you and your family’s lives. Read More»

What To Do Immediately After A Car Accident

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So you’ve been in a car crash. You’ve called the police and now you’re waiting to see what to do next. There are several steps you can take now to expedite the process. If there are injuries or extensive damage to your car, you will likely end up in court. Here are some things you can do right now to get home sooner and better your chances of winning in court. Read More»

Truck Accident Attorneys On Contingency? Benefits To You

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Lawyers work on cases in one of three ways. They get paid, they work on contingency to get paid, or they work pro bono (and get paid nothing because they write off their time to charity). It is highly unlikely that you can get a truck accident attorney to work your case pro bono, but it is understandable when you cannot hire a lawyer and pay him/her. Thankfully, there are truck accident lawyers who work on contingency. Read More»

What Must Be Proven In Order To File And Win A Nursing Home Neglect Case?

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Proving a nursing home neglect case can be challenging. This is because there are a few things that must be proven in order to win these cases. Here are the three factors that you must be able to prove in order to win a nursing home neglect case.  That Your Loved One Was Injured The first step to proving a nursing home neglect claim is being able to show that your loved one was injured. Read More»

Share The Road: 3 Ways To Stay Safe Around Semi-Trucks

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Spend enough time on the freeway, and you’ll notice just how many semi-trucks are on them too. Those semi-trucks carry a lot of weight behind them. Your car is no match for a semi-truck, which means you’re going to come out on the losing end of any accident that involves one. Luckily, there are some safety precautions you can take to prevent accidents between you and the semi-trucks you’re sharing the road with. Read More»