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What To Do Immediately After A Car Accident

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So you've been in a car crash. You've called the police and now you're waiting to see what to do next. There are several steps you can take now to expedite the process. If there are injuries or extensive damage to your car, you will likely end up in court. Here are some things you can do right now to get home sooner and better your chances of winning in court.

Get to Safety: Regardless of who is at fault and whether or not you'll be going to court, your first step immediately after a car accident is to get to safety. If you can move your car, get it to the side of the road where you and it won't be hit a second time. If you can't move it, turn on your hazard lights, get out, and get yourself to the side of the road.

Collect Information: While you're waiting for the police to arrive, go ahead and start collecting the information you'll need for your lawyer. Write down the name and insurance company (including name, policy number, and phone number) of the other driver, as well as their license plate number. Collect the contact information of the witnesses to the accident in case you can't find them later.

Take Pictures: If you have a camera or phone with you, start snapping pictures. Take pictures of the damage done to the car, where the cars ended up, the scene surrounding them, and anything else that might prove who was at fault.

Call Your Insurance Company: You know you'll have to call your insurance company eventually, so you might as well do it now when the details of the accident are fresh on your mind. Even if the accident wasn't your fault, your insurance company should be aware of the accident and your part in it just in case the other driver's insurance refuses to pay. They can also get you set up with an inspection site to evaluate the damages done.

Call for Roadside Assistance: If you know that your car is too damaged to drive away from the scene of the accident, go ahead and call for roadside assistance so you're not sitting around waiting once everything is settled. This can be done through your insurance company, a private roadside assistance company, or a taxi company.

Getting in a car accident is never a fun experience. Once the dust has settled and you are able to return home, the next step is to call an auto accident attorney. Several law offices offer to not even accept payment unless you win the case, so you don't have to worry about paying them money and then losing. Calling a lawyer will take the pressure off of you so the only thing you have to worry about is getting better.
