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What Are Your Accident Damages?

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The word "damage" describes all the ways victims are affected by a vehicle accident. If you were not at fault for the accident, you may be entitled to many types of accident damages. The below list of common accident damages represents a typical auto accident situation. 

Common Forms of Vehicle Accident Damage

Physical Damage

All expenses resulting from the accident should be paid by the other driver's insurer. That coverage begins at the scene of the accident with emergency medical personnel and a trip in an ambulance. Emergency room services, doctor's bills, hospital charges, diagnostic testing, rehabilitation costs, and even medical goods like wheelchairs and walkers are covered. If you are being billed by a medical provider, seek help from a personal injury lawyer. 

Lost Wages

Most accidents involve bed rest and recuperation time. Any time you cannot work, keep track of the hours and pay you are missing. You can be reimbursed for all lost wages, no matter what type of job you have. If you are unable to go back to your previous job because of the injuries, you may also be eligible for the loss of future earning potential.

Vehicle Damage

Your vehicle may be beyond repair, or it may just need some repair work. Have an estimate prepared so that your transportation issues can be resolved. If you are without a vehicle for several weeks, speak to a personal injury lawyer about a rental car, even if insurance is saying they won't cover it. If any personal property was also lost in the accident, keep a list. That might include an expensive cell phone, handbag, jewelry, child's car seat, clothing, and more. 

Pain and Suffering

If you were injured, you may also be eligible for pain and suffering. This form of damage applies to the discomfort of dealing with physical injuries. Most accidents will leave victims worried, anxious, depressed, and more. This coverage applies to all that and more. 

Punitive Damages

In some cases, the driver that caused the accident is not only careless but negligent. Drivers who intentionally drive dangerously can be held criminally responsible when an accident occurs. That can also mean that victims are eligible to be paid punitive damages. This form of payment is in addition to pain and suffering, medical expenses, lost wages, and more. Punitive damages are supposed to act as a deterrent to others and a punishment for the driver. 

Every accident is different, and your case will be unique. Speak to a car accident lawyer and learn more about your accident damages. 
