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Determining Liability And Proving Your Injuries When A Slip And Fall Accident Occurs

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When you fall and get hurt, figuring out who is responsible for your injuries is the first step in determining whether you have a viable personal injury claim. If you were careless or doing something like texting while walking down stairs and this causes your fall, the liability is yours for your injuries. On the other hand, you have the right to expect a certain level of safety whether you are in a public place or in a private home. If you slip and fall because of poor lighting, a slippery walkway, or water on the floor that hasn't been removed, you may have the ability to file a personal injury claim.

Your Injuries After a Slip and Fall Accident

In order to be successful at filing a personal injury claim for a slip and fall accident, there has to be a clear correlation between your injuries and the accident you had. In order to show what your injuries are, work with your medical providers to establish the injuries you sustained. If you have a previous history of any of your current complaints, be prepared to explain your medical history and whether your injury is new or an exacerbation of an old injury.

When Your Medical History Is Significant

When your medical history is full of serious pain, disability, poor mobility, or other issues, it will be difficult to prove that you have new injuries as a result of your slip and fall accident. While it is possible, you will have to go to treatment providers and discuss any new pain or symptoms that have come up because of your accident. Your pain and suffering are an important part of your claim, so you will want to seek treatment when you need it.

Sharing Liability for Your Slip and Fall

When you are partially to blame for your slip and fall, this means you share liability. As long as your liability is less than 50%, you can file a personal injury claim. If you receive compensation for your injuries, the amount will be reduced by the percentage you are at fault or liable. This means that if you are 20% at fault and are awarded $100,000, you will receive $80,000 for your compensation.

Slip and fall accidents can result in serious injuries that lead to permanent injuries. Contact a law firm like Drivon Turner & Waters PLC if you are hurt and want to seek compensation for your damages.
