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Understanding the Car Accidents That You Can Sue For

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While most car accidents are not fatal, people who are in accidents may still experience serious injuries. For these injuries, many people pursue financial recourse to cover medical bills and other issues related to the accident. The first step to pursuing a case is to determine the cause of the accident. These are the kinds of car accidents that you can sue for if you get injured because of one.

Drunk Driving

Driving under the influence of alcohol is a major reason why many people get into accidents with other vehicles. People who drive drunk often think they have good judgment, but the truth is that they are behaving irresponsibly. They may be swerving without realizing it, for example. People who drive drunk are breaking the law, and they may be deemed at fault for an accident and found liable for injuries they cause.

Other Types of Intoxicated Driving

Drinking alcohol is not the only way one can be accused of driving while intoxicated. Individuals who drive while they are under the influence of drugs, such as marijuana or heroin, could be found liable for injuries involved in the accident as well.

Distracted Driving

Distracted driving is linked to many deaths and injuries in car accidents. Distractions may include using a smartphone, adjusting music, speaking with passengers, doing makeup, eating food, cleaning up a spill, or even looking at a map. Texting has become one of the biggest distractions on the road. In fact, many accidents are caused by texting or reading a text.

Drivers are supposed to avoid distractions on the road because they should be focused on the task at hand. As a result, people who drive while distracted may be considered at fault for injuries an accident causes.

Reckless Driving

In some cases, drivers are simply behaving recklessly. They may be speeding or swerving in and out of traffic on purpose. Some people like to drive this way, in spite of the fact that it is so dangerous. A driver who broke the law in this way could also be found liable for injuries as well.

Driving can be a dangerous activity, but it is also something that many Americans do every day to get to work or school and then to get home. There is no getting around driving each day for many people, so it is a risk most are willing to take. Thankfully, personal injury attorneys are available to help you recover any losses, financial or otherwise, that someone else's poor choices caused.
