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3 Things To Consider After A Truck Accident

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Truckers spend hours upon hours on the road everyday and cover thousands of miles. Accidents are bound to happen. Being injured in a trucking accident can have long term effects on a driver's health and everyday life. The injuries sustained in this type of accident can also make it difficult or impossible to go back to work. For those who have been injured in a trucking accident, or who have a loved one who has been injured, legal action is often necessary. However, in the days and weeks after an accident it can be difficult to make clear and reasonable decisions. Here are three things to consider after a truck accident.

Legal Help Is Necessary

After an accident, insurance companies may try to settle as quickly as possible. However, it can be difficult to know how much money and resources will be needed in the future. For this reason, seeking out legal help after an accident is a must. A truck accident lawyer, or a personal injury lawyer, can be a big help in the days and weeks after the incident. If a death or significant injury has occurred, they have the ability to help their clients seek compensation for damages or get a fair settlement. These legal professionals often charge a contingency fee, which means they get paid if they win the case. These fees are often between 33 and 40 percent.

Seek Medical Attention

Seeking medical attention after an accident may seem obvious. In the case of serious injury, medical attention is often given on scene and at the hospital later on. However, even in cases where no immediate injuries are apparent, it's important to have a medical examination. Often injuries from a car accident are not immediately apparent. After an accident, it's important to have medical attention carefully documented and to seek out medical care when needed in the weeks and months after the injury. This can play a big role in future financial settlements and the amount of damages awarded.

Consider Settlements Carefully

Truck accident lawsuits will often end in either damages being awarded or a settlement. The amount of damages awarded to the injured party will differ depending on the judge or jury. Settlements are agreed upon outside of court. Settlements can involve a lot of money. However, it's important to consider whether or not they are sufficient enough to pay for future expenses. In many cases, significant medical costs will linger well into the future. Whether or not it's possible to return to work should also be considered. The plaintiff will also often have the choice between a lump-sum or structured payments.

A truck accident can have long term impacts on the injured party and their relatives. After an accident, seeking out legal counsel, Sackstein, Sackstein & Lee, LLP, is a must. Prompt and well documented medical attention is also a must. It's also important to consider any potential settlements very carefully. While the number may seem high on paper, even large settlements may not be sufficient to pay for future medical bills and the potential inability to make an income. 
