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Automobile Accident Aftermath: What to Expect from Your Personal Injury Case

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As if going through a car accident isn't scary enough, soon thereafter, you're going to have to survive the legal process to prove someone else is responsible for hurting you. Negotiating a settlement means long hours with your attorney and many visits to official places, where you're going to have to recall the accident over and over, all the while nursing your injuries and probably missing out on work.

Knowing what to expect in the coming months will help you endure the experience better and come out of it in a better position than when you went in.

Your Attorney Needs You Organized & Ready

In addition to attending scheduled meetings with your attorney, it's important that you keep every doctor's appointment, too. You're going to need solid documentation of what's happened to you physically and mentally and keep your attorney apprised of it all as well. As soon as you are able, put together a binder and notebook where you can store copies of all the legal and medical paperwork.

Also, start a journal about what you're going through, how it impacts your life and how life has changed for you since the accident. Not only will this be a great reference for your case, but writing in a journal can be very therapeutic in helping you get through the coming changes.

Your attorney needs you punctual and prepared, every step of the way.

You Need to Understand What "Pain & Suffering" Mean Legally

While you may be in pain and feel strongly that something bad has been done to you, there are legal requirements that must be met for you to be in the position to negotiate a reasonable settlement. Your body must now be altered in some way, causing pain, discomfort and disability. Psychologically, too, if you've been changed, your lawyer will tell you if it constitutes pain and suffering in the eyes of the law.

Even if the harm is temporary, such as a broken leg, you may still be compromised in terms of  the income you can generate with the physical limitations. If you expect to be affected for the rest of your life and certainly, if your doctor tells you your life isn't expected to be as long as it would have been had the accident not occurred, this should qualify you for a much greater settlement. Knowing what pain and suffering mean legally will help you to help your lawyer make the best case for you.

It's Not Wise to Assume You're Going to Win

No matter how good your case seems and how well your attorney has laid it out before the courts, don't bank on a settlement and definitely not within a certain amount of time. Truth is stranger than fiction sometimes and this applies to legal matters. Do your best to sustain yourself financially in the meantime, find ways to save money and have some sort of back-up plan in the works, in case your settlement is long and drawn out or never unfolds quite the way you expected.

You'll Likely Speak Directly with a Claims Adjuster

Although your lawyer can do a lot on your behalf, you're very likely going to have to speak up for yourself on a few occasions and one of them could be with a claims adjuster. Your lawyer will help you prepare for making a statement and answering questions, but it's extremely important that you are your own advocate and recount exact details, how they've impacted you and what you've lost as a result of the accident. Rehearse with a friend or family member, if needed, asking them to really drill you on the different kinds of questions you may face.

Unless your physical and/or mental condition are cut-and-dry as an undeniable result of the accident which someone can be held directly responsible for, the adjuster could look for a way out of paying or a way of significantly reducing the settlement.

Your Account of the Accident Must Be Ironclad

As painful as it may be for you to even think about the accident, your account of it should be clear and unwavering. Refer to your journal before making official statements, so that all details are clear in your mind. If you've been forced to get psychiatric help in dealing with the trauma (of the accident), have that medical professional compose a formal, admissible letter stating these facts, particularly if you now have trouble talking about the accident. Even if you misspeak or legitimately can't bring to mind a fact about the crash, you will come under question and most especially, if you contradict yourself or the official record, you could jeopardize your whole case.

Work closely with your attorney so that you don't experience any unpleasant surprises when it counts the most, such as when the claims adjuster is pressing you to recall the weather, driving conditions or other details.

It's Important to Emphasize Exactly How You've Been Hurt

Depending on how badly you've been injured, the life now in front of you may be totally different from the one before your accident. Quality of life, ability to support yourself and family or even have a family in the future will all come into question; thus, it's your job to determine how everything is different now and how that's exclusively because of the injuries you're enduring. Jot down new ways your life is impaired as you are made aware of them, so you can accurately inform your lawyer of the full extent of your pain, suffering and difficulties.

Every way that you've been affected can influence the amount of your settlement, and rightly so.

Hopefully, the legal proceedings and meetings with claims adjusters goes by quickly and you are able to recover from your sustained injuries. Know right now, though, that everything you do throughout the process may affect you for the rest of your life; thus, calculate every move and every word and follow the advice of your attorney closely. To learn more, contact services like Katz  Nowinski PC.
